Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to build up to a Headstand

I have always wanted to do cool things, "tricks" if you will. I figure I'm strong I should be able to neat things, right? I've got the headstand down, and now I'm moving on to other things. Here is how I built up to be able to do the headstand. 
I found the best way to start off is with the weight distributed between your hands and the top of your head. I like this way because it allowed me to slowly raise my body up. Here is the progression.

 In the tripod position bring knees to rest on the back of your arms. This is a great starting position to help establish balance.

The next move is to straighten your torso. This part takes a while to get down if you are not used to balancing like this. I took it very slow, to make sure I had total control of my body. 

Now for the money maker, to straighten your legs. These pics are of me not quiet there yet. I'm pretty sure I fell over after these were taken. Don't get discouraged, you can do it!

And finally it happens! The picture on the right was my first time "nailing it!"If my sweatshirt was not covering my face you would be able to see me yelling at my husband to hurry and take a pic before I lost it. 
After getting it down for the first time it becomes much easier. 

The main muscle group used to perform a headstand are the core muscle groups, this includes your abs and back. You might be surprised that it also requires arm, chest, neck, and leg strength...yes, your entire body, and you have to balance. 

Here are some of my favorite ab exercises.  

This one is especially good because you have to balance and use core strength!

Also here are some great exercises to help you with your balance.

Single Leg Clock Squat

Russian Dead Lift

Also a bit of upper body strength

Renegade Row

Doing a headstand is truly a practiced skill. Work on your strength, and practice your headstands, I used commercial breaks while the husband and I were watching shows on Hulu. 
Keep working and you'll get it in no time! 

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